coun: Sue Coleman - Vice President
Ben Benefer- Chair
Jenny Duggan- Vice Chair
Kirstie Benefer- Treasurer
Mavis Weaver-Secretary
Gaynor Tatton
John Sigley
Dave Lowndes
John Hodgkinson - Show Co
Suzanne Sheldon
Michelle Ann Webber
Niki Fitzpatrick
Taylor Fitzpatrick
Annual rent Full plot £40, 1/2 Plot £20.00
The committee arranges competitions, an annual show and campaigns on behalf of all allotment holders in Leek.
Hopefully organize trips to Garden attractions
Annual Subscription Members £3.00 and Joint Membership £4.00
Membership Benefits:-
We arrange The Annual Vegetable and Flower Show - which you can enter as well as other competitions.
Take advantage of discount on seeds from 10% for all members .
Best Kept Allotment Competition in conjunction with Leek Town Council
Meetings approx every four to six weeks where you can have your say
To premote benifits of the Geen Gym
Sharing of knowledge
Regular communication with The Leek Post and Moorlands Radio to premote the Association
Organizing talks and exhibitions on all aspects of gardening, vegetable growing, pot plants and flower arranging
Meetings with Leek Town Council to air the views of members
A group for allotment holders in Leek.
We hope it will be useful to beginners, old hands and those thinking of taking on a allotm
Allotments in Leek are managed by Leek Town Council and there are seven sites:
* Beggars Lane 85 plots
* Peggs Field = 36 plots + Half Plots
* Cheadle Road = 56 plots + Half Plots
* Crescent 1= 20 plots
* Crescent 2 = 16 plots
* Badnall Street = 16 plots
* Parrs Field = 11 plots.
Mission Statement
We aim to bring all seven Leek allotment sites and home gardeners together in afriendly safe environment to socially share information and best practice in
To have all allotments cultivated and looking their best
To encourage all allotment holders to become members of the association
To make our annual vegetable and flower show the best in the area
Agreed and adopted 11th March 2015.