I have used this tip my self now for many years and it does work.
Try to buy the Ceylon Cinnamon
Coroavirus Garden Tips
A Tip For June, July and August.
Another quick tip that even some of the old timers ( me now ) didn't know. I went for years trying to sow lettuce seed in the warmer weather with not much success. They way to do it is put the packet of seeds in the fridge for a couple of days. Sow them then as normal and they will be up and shooting in days.
Don't forget to get a head start with Peas, Beans, Sweetpea and even Parsnips can be chitted at home before planting
Pick your plants – With your first veggie garden, it’s very tempting to want to grow everything! But, for your own sake, I’d suggest you pick 5-6 types of vegetables and grow them well. Trying to cram too much in a compact space is asking for trouble and you’ll end up with a smaller, not larger harvest. However, you can boost yield by succession planting. Start your second crop around 2-3 weeks after the first succession as popped through. For example, follow spring lettuce with more lettuce, summer beans with more summer beans, radish with more radish etc. Succession planting allows you to stretch your harvest season for the longest possible time. You will have a longer summer salad crop when the first as been used or gone to seed.
An easy way to make your Tomato Plants go further.
As the plants grow leave one side shoot to grow for 2-3 inches.
Take the side shoot off and either dib the plant shoot in wet compost, and leave in the shade for a couple of weeks. You should find that it roots and there you have a free plant. You can always leave the shoot in water on your windowsill and watch it root.
To start carrots and especially parsnips, put a board over the rows. After about 2-3 weeks keep checking for germination and remove the board and leave to grow.